Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Obamacare Just Made Americans Richer Without Anyone Noticing

That’s what the headline in the Huffington Post said.

If all we need to become richer is legislation from Washington D.C., why hasn’t this been done before and sooner? If mere laws can create wealth, our riches are limited only by our imagination. 

The sad and undeniable truth is that wealth is not created by legislation. Washington can only force the transfer of previously-created wealth from group A to group B, while skimming a little off the top for itself. Even my grade school children are wise to this fact.

Crimea = Iraq?

I  read today where the government of the United States is preparing to enact sanctions against Moscow for invading Crimea. Isn’t this just a little hypocritical? Did Russia, or any country for that matter, slap the United States with sanctions when we invaded Iraq ten years ago?

After 9/11, not only did we falsely claim that Saddam Hussein was preparing to unleash a torrent of WMDs against the United States, but we deployed our finest salesmen to convince a skeptical world that it was true. Now, we scorn another world power for doing what we did.
Maybe Putin is convinced Crimea has WMDs. His only miscalculation may have been failing to convince everyone else before invading.